What is BirthdayLand?

BirthdayLand is an enchanted world of fun! Everything that makes a birthday celebration special is created in BirthdayLand: the candles on your cake are made with special wax from the Candlewaxy River; the colorful paper wrapped around a gift grows on trees in the Gifting Garden. Our characters, The Birthdaykins and the Huggaloons help create birthday goodies and keep BirthdayLand running smoothly. Together they will take you on an adventure through the biggest and greatest party you can imagine, where you can slide down an ice cream mountain or ride a purple unicorn! All you have to do is close your eyes and make a wish. When you blow out your candle, your wish travels up to BirthdayLand where all of your wishes can come true!


The Birthdaykins

Celebrate anywhere, anytime with the Birthdaykins by your side. All the Birthdaykins are party specialists – Frosting is a cake master, Candy makes delicious sweets, and Hatty makes sure everyone is properly dressed for a party. The adorable plush characters are also featured in the BirthdayLand app, where you can play birthday-related games and activities anytime, even when it’s not your birthday! The app is free at the iTunes App Store, Google Play, and Amazon Apps. With the purchase of any of the 8 Birthdaykins plush toys, you’ll receive a secret code that enables you to unlock premium features inside the BirthdayLand app. The Birthdaykins help make any birthday special. Get to know the Birthdaykins in the colored boxes below!

Tap or rollover each box to view the actual plush version of each character.


He welcomes you to BirthdayLand with a huge slice of cake!


He’s always in a hurry to deliver a gift!


She makes the most delicious treats in BirthdayLand!


She’s shy, but loves to make new friends!


It’s his job to make everyone smile and laugh!


She creates all the colorful decorations for a fun party!


She helps make all the magical candles in BirthdayLand!


He’s always up to something – and it’s usually a party!

Collect them all!

The Huggaloons

The Huggaloons are the busy helpers in BirthdayLand. Bouncy is always ready to welcome a new visitor to BirthdayLand and Stretchy will be the tourguide. These huggable, plush balloon animals are also featured in the BirthdayLand app, where you can play birthday-related games and activities anytime, even when it’s not your birthday! The app is free at the iTunes App Store, Google Play, and Amazon Apps. With the purchase of any of the 6 Huggaloons plush toys, you’ll receive a secret code that enables you to unlock premium features inside the BirthdayLand app. The Huggaloons help make any birthday special. Get to know the Huggaloons in the colored boxes below!

Tap or rollover each box to view the actual plush version of each character.


She’s a pretty pink elephant who welcomes everyone to BirthdayLand!


She’s an orange giraffe who watches over BirthdayLand, seeing everything when she stretches her long neck!


He’s a friendly alligator who protects BirthdayLand and helps anyone who needs assistance.


He’s a baby lion who wants to be king of the jungle when he grows up!


She’s a purple horse who loves to give fun rides.


He’s a bright blue dog who loves to run, fetch, and float up high in the clouds!

BirthdayLand App

The app is available as a free download in iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon Apps. The BirthdayLand app features original games and activities, all related to birthdays -- choose an activity on the welcome screen and instantly have access to all the fun of a special birthday celebration! The app has an awesome birthday countdown, where you can count the days to up to 5 special birthdays. The free version of the app includes four fun games; Balloon Pop, Party Pix, Choose-a-Gift Surprise, and Crazy Candles.

Two additional games can be unlocked by using a secret code printed on the hangtag or box of the Birthdaykins and Huggaloons plush toys, or you can choose to purchase the locked features via in-app purchase.

  • BirthdayLand Home

  • BirthdayLand Map

  • Balloon Pop

  • Countdown Clock

  • Pinata Party

  • Delicious Decorating

  • Choose-a-Gift

  • Crazy Candles

For detailed instructions on how to use the BirthdayLand app, please click here.


What is BirthdayLand? BirthdayLand is an enchanted world of fun! Everything that makes a birthday celebration special is created in BirthdayLand: the candles on your cake are made with special wax from the Candlewaxy River; the colorful paper wrapped around a gift grows on trees in the Gifting Garden. Our characters, The Birthdaykins and the Huggaloons help create birthday goodies and keep BirthdayLand running smoothly. Together they will take you on an adventure through the biggest and greatest party you can imagine, where you can slide down an ice cream mountain or ride a purple unicorn! All you have to do is close your eyes and make a wish. When you blow out your candle, your wish travels up to BirthdayLand where all of your wishes can come true! Where can I purchase BirthdayLand toys? BirthdayLand plush toys are currently available online at Amazon.com. To purchase any of the Huggaloons or Birthdaykins, click here. How can I download the FREE BirthdayLand app? The BirthdayLand app is available as a free download in iTunes, Google Play and Amazon Apps. Visit your app store for download instructions. How do I unlock additional games in the BirthdayLand app? If you choose to purchase the locked features via in-app purchase, it will unlock all games/activities for one price. Where do I find the app unlock codes? App unlock codes can be found on the hangtags/packaging of the plush toys:
- If you purchase a Birthdaykin, the secret code is printed inside the hangtag.
- If you purchase a Huggaloon, the secret code is printed inside the box.
How do I take care of my BirthdayLand plush toys? Surface clean by using a cloth or sponge immersed in cold water and a mild soap or detergent. Do not immerse toy in water or dry clean.

Contact Us

For further information on BirthdayLand, please contact info@birthdayland.com.
For press inquiries, please contact press@birthdayland.com.
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